The European Day of Languages is an occasion to celebrate
rich linguistic diversity of our continent. At Zalishchyky State Gimnasia
pupils of Form 5(9)-A decided to share with younger pupils interesting facts
about the European Day of Languages and visited Forms 2(6)-B and 3(7)-B. Speaking
English, German and Ukrainian, the pupils of Form 5(9)-A told about the history
of this European holiday, made other pupils familiar with the most widespread languages
in Europe and asked riddles about them. M. Khomiak and M. Hoshovska recited H.
Heine’s poem “Warum sind den die Rosen so blaß?“
On September, 27 our pupils had a chance to test their
knowledge of European languages and countries. The pupils of Forms 4(8)-A,
4(8)-B and 5(9)-A attended the first meeting in this year of the Euroclub “Discover Europe”,
organized by N. Baihush. The members of the Euroclub took
part in a quiz about Europe, playing a Kahoot game, matching English and German
proverbs with the Ukrainian equivalents and investigating the world of European
capitals and greetings. The team “Red Peppers” took the 1st place in
the competition and two other teams “Green Day” and “Wild Cats” took the 2nd
and the 3rd places accordingly.
The pupils of Form 2(6)-B, who took part in a writing
competition “I’m Proud of Being Ukrainian”, held by “MM Publications” and the
company “Linguist” earlier this year, were awarded with certificates of participation.
The pupils wrote about their understanding of what Motherland is for each of them
and what makes them feel proud of being Ukrainian.
The European Day of Languages encouraged language
learning among our pupils and helped them to see that “one language sets you in
a corridor for life, but two languages open every door along the way”.